Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Valentine's Day Tragedy hits close to home

I am sure most know by now about the tragedy at Northern Illinois University last week. A former student opened fire on a classroom and killed himself after killng 5 and wounding 17 others, physically, and causing mental damage to many more.
Last year after the massacre at Virginia Tech, obviously it was tragic and we felt sympathy for the families, but it seemed so far away. It is amazing how it changes when tragedy of this type hits close to home. NIU is only 45 miles away from where I am and we see the news and aftereffects of it on a daily basis. We are constantly bombarded with new information and updates on the people involved.
We know people who know people who knew someone who was there. The checker at my usual grocery store knew someone who was sitting next to one of the people who died. It hit most area families in some way.
One would think that college would be safe, but nowhere is truly safe anymore. It is a reminder of the depravity of man and the times that we live in. It also reminds us that we, as parents, need to give our kids over to God and trust Him for His perfect will in their lives, no matter what that will may be. I know it is easier said than done. I just pray that one day, I will be willing to do just that.
We need to remember to keep the living victims, present students, and families of the dead in our thoughts and prayers as the healing process has begun. Their memories will live on and the hurt will remain for years to come, but true healing will eventually occur. The community will eventually heal and probably emerge stronger than before. God bless them.

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

I can't imagine the trauma that must be involved with the kids who survived the shooting. The guilt combined with the loss must be terrible.

It is hard to believe it could happen so close to our home.

Prayer, indeed! Thanks for posting the memorial.