Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday

I will be so happy when this voting day is over. Tomorrow and over half of the country, includint my state of Illinois, will have had their presidential primary. I am tired of all the hype. As the field of candidates gets smaller, I see that mine is still in the race. Since the beginning of this whole thing I have liked Mitt Romney. I think that he is the best candidate because A. he is an astute businessman and can bring the economy out of its slump; B. he can bring together the Conservative and more liberal wings of the Republican party; and C. he can beat either of the two Democratic candidates. Bonus reason, the media and democratic candidates don't like him because he is a threat to their ideals.
Some may ask, but he is a Mormon, how can you vote for him? Well, true, I don't agree with his religious views, so technically being a Baptist, I should agree with Mike Huckabee.
Some may say, but he is part of a cult; do you want someone who is part of a cult running this country? Touche! There is a reason that we have checks and balances in our government. That is one thing that makes this nation great. We have three branches of government, so one branch alone cannot control what takes place in our land.
Would be be invoking the name of Jesus in his prayers, no, probably not; but there are members of Congress, the country, and the judicial branch who would be. Would an Evangelical Christian be a better choice, yes. Should that person be a Baptist pastor? As nice as that would be, probably not, because what is his calling? preacher or president?
Is the liberal John McCain a good choice? no. Yes, he has a conservative voting record on life issues, but he has not pledged not to raise taxes; he is for amnesty for illegal aliens, check out the amnesty bill that went through Congress and did NOT pass; and the democrats and media love him. That is a problem. Yes, he is an American hero and I thank him for that, but he cannot bring the both sides of the Republican party together and could bring certain doom to the office of president come November. Without the Conservative Evangelicals, it is nearly impossible to win the office of president.


Jennittia said...

Yes, beloved politics!! I am so glad that NH is "first in the nation" and we have a reprieve for a while from all the massive politicalmedia barrage!

Heidi said...

You were just the first ones to get it.

Ann-Marie said...

I voted! Brett and I voted together. We talked in the car beforehand and decided who to vote for - it wasn't the person either of us had originally wanted, but in the end, we were agreed on the same candidate.

I talked to a friend the other day who thinks women shouldn't have the right to vote, since their husbands should make the choice for their family. So I said, "Okay, don't vote, then! But don't mess with my right to do so!”

Now, on THAT topic, I could get a little volatile!

Heidi said...

Welcome to the new century. I guess if that is how they want it.
Jason and I came to an agreement on our candidate too (the aforementioned one) because of various reasons. I am too opinionated on that one too. There is no way that my husband is going to tell me who to vote for (If I wanted to vote for Hillary I would do it, but I don't). You need to blog about that one. That would be interesting.