Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Passage of Time

I remember as a kid time could not move fast enough and the days seemed like years. Now, time moves so fast the kids grow and I have no idea what happened.
It is hard to believe that my baby turned 1 yesterday. It hardly seems possible, but ,sigh, it is. They grow so fast.
In the past year, she has learned to smile, laugh, roll over, sit up, crawl, grew five teeth, and even learned to walk. She says a few words like night night, no, more, ma ma, and da da. She enjoys playing with her older sisters and following them around the house. She just adores them and looks up to them like they are the best little people in the world.
It is times like this that as a mom, I have to remember to treasure each and every moment of cuddling, hugging, and loving from them I can get as they grow so fast and one day they won't be here to cuddle and hug and love on. I sometimes wonder if I am doing enough with them as I don't want to miss any precious time that I have as it is so little.
For her birthday, we took her to Toys R Us where they gave her a little crown and balloon and we went through the store trying to keep the crown on her head while I picked out some toys for her birthday.
Yesterday (her official birthday), my husband ended up being off (see previous post) so we went out to dinner (bonus of that was we found out that kids ate free after we got there and we were still able to use a 10.00 off coupon on top of that) then just came home and enjoyed the time together as a family.
On Saturday we will celebrate it by having Uncle and Aunt over to have pizza, cake, ice cream, and open gifts. Hopefully get a few games in as well. My other two kids can hardly wait for her to open her gifts as they have been waiting patiently. I think deep down inside, they think that the toys are theirs. Oh well, reality bites.
Happy 1st Birthday, Brookelyn. May it be one that we will cherish for always.


Robin Hayes said...

Happy Birthday, Brookelyn!

Ann-Marie said...

Awww...Brookelyn's providentially blessed to have such a sweet and loving mom! Happy 1st from me!

Jennittia said...

I can so much identify! I hang on to every little thing that Judson does, as I know it will be the last time...