Saturday, February 16, 2008

Small Annoyances of Life

How ironic. I go from the happy post of pictures from my glorious trip to Florida to this annoying pet peeve post.
Today I went grocery shopping. I wanted to load up before the snowstorm hits. I was in the checkout line and the little girl behind me dropped one of those gum by the foot roll things on the floor of the checkout line. Apparently it opened up and the gum fell out because I saw whom I was assuming her dad, put it back in the package and put it on the shelf. How disgusting. Be careful what you let your kids take off the shelf.
Sometime ago at a different store, I watched a little girl eat some candy out of a package and put it back. I am a mean person. I handed it to the cashier and told her that the little girl in front of me had opened it and ate it. She made the mother pay for it. I didn't do that this time, but I probably should have. It might teach that parent a lesson to watch their kids.
I know that I am not perfect, but things like that annoy me. That parent had ONE child to watch, not several.
One more thing that bothered me was while I was in the parking lot looking for a place to park at another grocery store, I was waiting for someone to find a spot in front of me, a nice retired veteran (that is what it said on his hat) offered me his parking space. He pulled out and lo and behold, there was someone trying to steal it right before my eyes. Not happening. Sorry, my selfish depraved soul showed its ugly head today. What can I say, besides I am sorry Lord, I sinned.


Blended in Texas said...

Ha,ha, hilarious! Once my own own son stole a play cell phone thing at Wal-Mart and we didn't realize it until after we got home. We went back to Wal-Mart and made 'him' take it back in and say he was sorry. I hope it left an impression on him. I get easily irritated when I go out grocery shopping too. People can be so rude sometimes! =P Anyway, hope you got everything you needed!

Heidi said...

I did actually. I actually enjoy grocery shopping, especially when I can do it without kids.
That is the best thing. Having to take care of it themselves. It probably left an impression on him and one day he will tell you that he learned something from it.

Jennittia said...

I probably would have done the same thing with the parking spot!!

Heidi said...

I pointed my finger at her and said no, my parking spot. Granted looking back, I did not have my turn signal on and she did, but still, I didn't know she was there because she wasn't when the guy started pulling out. If she saw me, she would have known that I was waiting for it. To me, it is a big DUH!!

Ann-Marie said...

You have more guts than me. I'm always afraid to "tell" on kids - because I think either their parents will get really mad or they will, and they'll follow me home and make life miserable. I have SUCH an imagination!

I'm glad there are people like you out there who'll fight for justice! (Well, on the small stealing candy scale that is...although crime goes up, so you're really nipping it in the bud while the kid still has a chance.)

Go, Heidi!

Heidi said...

It is not really my responsibility, but if certain parents would keep better track of their children, things like that would not happen.
I worked retail and it is because of things like that that cause the prices to go up. They have to cover for what is called "shrink".
In the first instance about the kid eating the candy I was afraid of that, but knew that it would be wrong of me not to say anything.
The mom was pretty upset, but I don't know if it was towards me or her child.

Wendy said...

Go you!!
If my child did something like that (heaven forbid), we would've bought the candy and the kiddo would've been shelling out his piggy bank to me upon returning home.
I'm with Ann-Marie, though...I'm too scared of whacky parents out there. When my kids played sports last year, I met some pretty scary characters.

Heidi said...

I at least would buy the item. My kids opened a candy bar at the local grocery store once, so I bought it and ate it myself.