Thursday, February 7, 2008

Super Tuesday II

Well, all the votes are in for Super Tuesday. Its over, Praise the Lord. I am so tired of the hype and the smearing campaign for now. I know it all starts up again before the next states that vote next week, but for now all is quiet. I don't personally have to go through this again until November.
Unfortunately it did not go as I hoped. Pretty much everyone I voted for lost. It makes me feel as though I voted for a bunch of losers. I just went with who I could, in a good conscience, vote for. Thankfully it is not over yet and no party winner has been declared, as I have no intention of ever voting for the present leader of the Republican party. I just don't understand the ignorance of the American people. John McCain is not my idea of what a Conservative is. He has not been consistant with Conservative values and has shown in recent years a leaning toward Democratic and Liberal ideals. I have no intention of remaining "loyal" to the party as he has not done so.
I never thought in a million years that I may have to go to the polls in November and "throw my vote away" or vote against my own party. Thankfully that is months away and a lot could happen in the next few leading up to the actual nominating convention.
Thankfully I serve a Sovereign God who is in control and knows the outcome even now. Nothing will surprise Him. I can always take comfort in that when things don't go the way I think they should.


Wendy said...

Amen is this. McCain did NOT stand for republicans. He is not pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-family at all. His track record is terrible.

I would LOVE to see another Christian lead this country. I cannot vote for a Mormon either. I'm sorry, but this country is based on the Word of God. And Mormons do not believe that the Bible is God's only Word, nor do they believe that Jesus is God's only Son. Not to mention the virgin birth. And then the whole thing of the devil being Jesus' brother...and Jesus having a Heavenly Mother....and Joseph Smith and the other "prophets." No, I just can't do it, no matter how "moral" these people live.

Huckabee has a wonderful record for being pro-life. But he does not stand against illegal immigration and that really bothers me. (sigh)

I will always vote, no matter what. And I will ALWAYS vote for a pro-life candidate, no matter what. Sometimes it's just necessary to choose the lesser of two evils, when it comes down to it in the fall...

But I'm glad I have a break from it now!

Heidi said...

Because I grew up with Mormons, though I don't agree with them theologically, I had no problem voting for one because of their generally Conservative values.
McCain at least has a reputation of caring about the life of the unborn. As far as I know, he has always supported life issues.