Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reformation Day

Instead of Happy Halloween when the trick or treaters come to your door, try Happy Reformation day and see what kind of faces you get from the kids.

Today is a very important day in Protestant History. Today is the 49oth anninversary of Martin Luther's posting his 95 thesis on Wittenburg Door in his protest of several of the Catholic traditions, one namely being the tradition of buying indulgences to get their family members out of purgatory.
This created a snowball effect all over Europe and its results carried over to the Pilgrims and Puritans who came to the New World in 1620 and later years.
The Puritans desired to stay within their Catholic churches and purify it from within while the Pilgrims (otherwise known as Separatists) left and came to what would later become the United States of America.
The names of some important Reformers in our Protestant (Baptist) history are Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, John Huss, and John Knox.


Ann-Marie said...

I wonder why more people don't name their kids Ulrich or Zwingli, anymore? Such cool names. Or Knox. Knox Scott would be a cool name! Smile!

I liked this post. It's surely a much more important event to commemorate then Halloween.

Heidi said...

We did not personally wish kids Happy Reformation Day as we did not want them screaming and running away, but we also did not wish them Happy Halloween anyway. I just told them here you go, have fun.

Robin Hayes said...

I also refused to wish anyone a "Happy Halloween." I just wished everyone to "have a good night!"