Thursday, October 4, 2007

Dental Joys

After the wild night the day before (in case you missed it, the previous post told about it), I made an appointment for the dentist to see my child.
At 3:45 in the afternoon I took her to the dentist to have her front tooth and gum examined.
She had damaged the nerve in her gum and because he could not tell in the x rays if her adult tooth was directly above, behind, or in front of the baby tooth and we want to do what we can to protect her adult tooth (she is only 4) which is still developing, we ended up having her tooth extracted.
My wonderful little girl now has a little gap there. At least people will be able to tell my identical twins apart without a problem.
It only took about 15 minutes from the time the dentist put the numbing agent on until the tooth was gone. My little girl was amazing. She did not move throughout the whole process. I was amazed at her disposition. She did not even cry or utter a sound when it was all done.

I truly found out how one twin reacts when there is a traumatic situation with the other one. The twin who is perfectly fine was so traumatized by the whole experience that a person would think she was the one who had the accident happen to her.


Ann-Marie said...

I'm glad there was no permanent damage and kudos to your little girl for holding up so well at the dentist. Sorry to hear about the tooth loss, though! My friend October is a twin, and she says it is totally true that she's connected to her sister's feelings - physical and mental!

Heidi said...

Bethany went nuts the night that Brianna had the accident. That is one reason why Jason did not attempt to go to church. Which I am truly thankful now that I know that the van was having such issues. Thankfully it was just the battery.

Jennittia said...

Oh, the poor girl!!!! Hope she will not be too upset that she will have a big gap in her front for a while! We do have such a love-hate relationship with vehicles, huh?!

Heidi said...

We need them, but sometimes I wonder if the old horse and buggy would be easier. I wonder how easy a horse starts on a cold morning.

Heidi said...

As far as the child goes, she is proud of that gap now and loves to show it off. Of couse a couple of years is a long time, we'll see if it ever gets old. She is cute, I must say.