Saturday, October 20, 2007

Movie Review

We watched a great movie last night. We felt that it was very God honoring for a movie production of our time. It is called Facing the Giants. It was put together by a Baptist Church in Georgia.
It is about a high school coach in Georgia who has many obstacles to overcome such as infertility, a losing football record, and various other odds. He is able to use his faith in Jesus Christ and (without giving anything away) a revival happens and various obstacles are overcome in miraculous ways.
I definitely recommend it to others who are looking for good films to watch as a family.

1 comment:

Robin Hayes said...

I just watched that movie a couple of weeks ago - my friend in Milwaukee has been trying to get us to watch it for a while. It was good! I didn't see all of it - hard to watch with 6 kids running around, but I would definitely watch it again.