Monday, October 1, 2007

More Dr. Seussisms

For those of you who are wondering. I won't post any more of this for a wh ile as I know it will get old, but I came up with "O".

Big O, Little O, what begins with O?
Ostrich, Otter, Octopus, O, O, O.

So as a review

Big A, Little a, what begins with A? Ant, Apple, Alligator, A, A, A.

Big E, Little e, what begins with E? Egg, Elk, Elephant, E, E, E.

Big I, Little i, what begins with I? Igloo, Ink, Iguana, I, I, I.

Big O, LIttle o, what begins with O? Ostrich, Otter, Octopus, O, O, O.

Thank you very much.


Ann-Marie said...

Nicely done, my friend! Say, in a fight, which "O" animal do you think would win?

Heidi said...

that is a hard one to determine. The ostrich has powerful feet aned can kick to death, the otter can swim away, but that octopus has the ink that he can disappear from all the above.

Robin Hayes said...

You two are too funny!

Jennittia said...

Hi! I didn't realize how long it has been since I read people's blogs! Funny posts!!! You should try being in "Red Sox Nation" right now!! A few of the stations actually take off the network shows to play the ballgames in primetime!!