Monday, June 25, 2007

The end of procrastination

Well, the procrastination has ended on my yard work. I finally got out there and did something. Granted, a very little something, but it is a step in the right direction.
My mom has the greenest thumb in the world. I think she inherited hers from her mom. I think that is one gene that I did NOT get.
When we moved into our house 5 years ago, I inherited a beautiful mature garden. Nice, I thought, boy was I wrong. It was beautiful in May when we bought the house. I assumed that it would be beautiful in August, October, and also in January. Ha, was I wrong!! There was a lot of work involved. I found out later that the previous owner pretty much spent her life outside in her garden (with all the work, you would think she would take the time to put down a weed barrier). Unfortulately this "garden" became an unmanageable jungle to me. I could not control it. Just looking at this thing would make me turn in anguish and run away.
I have spend the past 5 years (with the help of the new -- 2 1/2 years-- neighbors) getting it where I want it (though we have a LOOONNNNGGGG time until it is right).
I have always had dreams of a few small gardens on the property with maybe a nice flowering bush or tree centering them and maybe some lillies, or other pretty perennials and some annuals bordering them.
Well, I got lillies all right. I have lillies up to the wazzu and beyond. Hosta? I have lots of that too. which has come in handy. That makes a nice border plant. I used to love roses, I HATE them, now. They are everywhere. I am constantly cutting them, clipping them, growling at them, and catching myself on them. I pick up pieces of them everywhere while picking up dead plants and weeds. She put them in the craziest places.
Today, half of the garden has been rototilled under (courtesy of my neighbor). I raked it on Saturday (though it will have to be raked smooth again) to prepare it for grass. I am going to put grass on half of my garden. I will then have only half of it to work on, so it will be less overwhelming. I can design, play, etc... with what is left.
On Sunday, I took some of the hostas that lined the path and put them in a circular spot where we had a tree removed last year. I plan on lining that with the hostas and putting a nice decorative bush or flowering tree in the middle. Then I went to the remaining garden and pulled out some of the larger weeds that were cozying up to the Air conditioning unit. I want to get the maximum use out of the A/C that I can get using the least amount of energy. I had a dead bush back there, so I removed that and now ther is a big hole. In doing so, I uncovered a couple of things that I did not know that I had.
I am excited about it now. I can actually get the grass seed and small tree and work on that other half of garden. I have had a couple of neighbors offer to come and help me pull, divide, and trim my plants. I will probably take them up on their offer.
I love my neighborhood.

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