Friday, September 5, 2008

Sorry, more politics. It is in my blood, what can I say?

I am glad that both party conventions are over and we can move on to the real stuff -- the debates and negative campaigning (just kidding on the last one).

I think all of our (the Republicans, duh) speeches were just "too hot for the Dems to handle". I am not a HUGE McCain fan, but his choice of Sarah Palin for VP was just over the top for me. By choosing her he has shown a choice for Conservative values and after hearing both speeches the past couple of days, I love the reform idea. We do need LOTS of reform in the Congress and the White House.

Happy 9 weeks until the elections.


Ann-Marie said...

I still think it's going to be a lot closer than people think!

Heidi said...

Either it is going to be real close or it is going to be a Reaganesque landslide (with Illinois being the only state going No-bama), just like Minnesota with Mondale (Mon-dull)--whom I might add, had the first female candidate for VP -- back in 1984.

Ann-Marie said...

Do you really think Illinois will vote against Obama? We're his home state!

Heidi said...

when I said Reaganesque I meant only one state voted against him in 1984. That was Mondale's home state of Minnesota. We would then be the only state (Illinois) voting for Obummer.