Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Teaching letters and sounds

I have always liked the rhyming of Dr. Seuss. I have made up my own for a couple of the alphabet rhymes that he has from The Alphabet Book. At least my things actually exist. I will have a hard time explaining someday what a zizzerzazzer zuzz is. At least I can say something like zig-zag zebra. Anyway, here is my first installment of Dr. Seuss for the common man.

Big A, Little A, what begins with A? Ant, Apple, Alligator, A A A.

Big E, Little E, what begins with E? Egg, Elk, Elephant, E E E.

stay tuned for future installments for your enjoyment (yeah right).


Robin Hayes said...

You're cute!

Ann-Marie said...

H is for Heidi hoo's hoh hamazing!

Heidi said...

That's funny.
I'll have to remember that one when we get to the H's.