Thursday, September 6, 2007

Busy weekend

I know it has been a while since I have posted, but I like to only post when there is something to say.
My husband went to Michigan on Labor day weekend and attended that history making football game between University of Michigan and Appalachian state. Bless his heart. He returned home and said that it is only a game. That is a huge surprise for a fan of the Maize and Blue. It is basically a thing of a little hurt pride.
I spent the week visiting with my mom who accompanied my brother as far as Illinois in his trek to Florida to attend his Junior year of college in Pensacola. We had a good time of visiting and shopping.
She left today so it is back to the old schedule.
Today I am preparing lesson plans for preschoolers. That is an area that I am not as familiar with as my college degree is for jr high and above. If anyone has any good ideas for teaching preschoolers, I am welcoming all comers, though I may not use some of them. I am scared to death to teach a kid how to read as by the time they get to me, they should all ready know how.
I will post next week on how our first day went along with a picture as well of them in their desks.


Robin Hayes said...

Jenna printed off an evaluation form from one of her kids' preschool days. It shows all the things they worked on over the year. I'm sure she'd give you a copy as well. It's all pretty basic stuff.

Heidi said...

I have it. It was Johns.
Thanks, Robin.