Monday, November 3, 2008

Ode to my country as I know it.

It is the eve (or should I say early morning of) an all important election that will decide the future of our great country.
Are we a country that truly wants "change we can believe in" or what we know -- "the straight talk express." In less than 24 hours we should know what the future of our country will be.
I love my country and I feel truly blessed to have been born in what I believe to be the greatest country on earth. As I sit here, I pray for the future of it. I pray for the future of the unborn, the future of the elderly, the future of our marriages, and the future of my money.
What Senator Barack Obama wants and sees as his America is one where there will be many more people dependent on the government to solve their problems. A wonderful utopia where there are no classes and bread is given to the masses. It is a Socialist society that has been proven not to work in Europe. Where will the Canadians go for health care if we socialize ours? Hmm, that is an interesting question. If he cannot even solve the problems in Illinois, how can we expect him to solve the problems in the whole country. Sure, he is articulate and can mezmerize you and bring in the masses and the money, but can he and his policies protect you from a terrorist attack? Can his beliefs that the Constitution is wrong and the Justices of the Supreme Court should not govern by the Constitution, but should be able to do what they want from the bench satisfy you. What about his friends --Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, and the other shady characters in his past? Shouldn't those concern you?
John McCain, though not a perfect person either, has a proven record, though I don't agree with all his past accomplishments in the Senate. He has protected life, whether it be unborn or whether it be aged. He has personally fought and suffered for our country more than an average person will ever know. The battle scars that he bears for us -- all Americans -- are true to the sacrifices he has made for his beloved country. He has always been a proponent of tax cuts and lowering taxes for EVERYONE and not handing people something that they have not worked for.
If you don't pay taxes, you should not get money from those who do. The harder you work for your money, the more money you deserve. If you read this and are an American citizen who will be voting later, I plead with you to THINK before you vote. I ask you to check the record of each person on the ballot. It takes more than fancy speech to run a country. Hitler was articulate and mezmerizing and look what happened in Germany. Consider your choices wisely. Voting is a priviledge and should not be taken lightly.
Not only do I ask you to vote for the future of the free market economy and the future of the unborn, but think of your own children and grandchildren. Do you want to leave them with a welfare state with a Socialist mindset? Or would you rather leave them with a prosperous Capitalistic country that is successful and ready for the future?

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