Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wonderful Addition to the family --God's family.

Yesterday I was washing the stove and Bethany came to me and said, "Mommy, I want to repent." I looked her in shocked amazement and said, "ok, do you know what repenting of your sins means?"
She replied, "not really."
I said "Well, why don't we talk to Daddy when he comes home and he can help you with that."
My idea was Jason would want to be there if she truly wanted to. I also thought that if she remembered to ask, it was likely and truly the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Coming from the background that I come from -- decisionism and immediate baptism-- I wanted to be careful how it was done. I wanted to be careful what was said and all that. I wanted it all to come from her, and not from me. All to the Glory of God, not to me.

We had dinner and I took a walk. After I got back, Bethany told Daddy, "Daddy, I want to repent of my sins." He looked at her about the same way I did and put his video game away.
He started asking her questions like What is sin? Have you sinned? Give me an example of how you sinned. She was able to answer all of them. He then asked her , " who saved you?"
she replied "God",
Jason "who is His Son?"
Bethany "His Son."
Jason "who is His Son, who died on the cross?"
Bethany "God".
Me "What is His name?"
Bethany "I don't know."
Jason "yes you do."
Bethany "Oh, Jesus". He died on the cross and rose froM THE DEAD." (she yelled the last part)
Brookelyn was getting distracting, so we went upstairs and put her in her crib and Brianna came along too.
We got in their room and talked some more. Asked some of the same questions as well as explaining what repent means. We wanted to make sure she was truly ready. The Bible says, "Become as a little child...". She is 5.
When Jason was sure she understood, he said, "What do you have to do?"
Bethany "pray and tell Jesus I want to repent and ask Him to forgive me and trust Jesus."
Jason said, "do you want to do that?"
She answered, "yes"
Brianna said "I am not ready, Daddy." Of which in a way were relieved. She is her own person this way and not just following Bethany. We pray she will come to the same on her own in the near future.
We sent Brianna out of the room while Daddy prayed. He then told her that he could not pray for her as she had to pray on her own. Bethany said, " you prayed on your own Daddy, and Mommy prayed on her own, because your parents could not pray for you, right?"
We replied, "right"
She then bowed her head and prayed a sweet little prayer and we believe trusted in Christ for salvation.
What a glorious moment when we can see and hear our children come to Him. It brings tears to my eyes as I write this.
What a wonderful addition to the family of God. Now we will start the teachings of baptism and hopefully in a few years we can see her follow Christ in baptism.


Ann-Marie said...

I've got tears now, too! That is truly amazing news. I'm so happy for Bethany, you, and Jason!

Jennittia said...

I haven't sat down to read blogs in weeks, and I am so glad I did today!!! There is no greater blessing than to see our children walk in Truth.