Saturday, December 8, 2007

oops, sorry. Forgot to change it. For those who requested. Here are some pictures of our GM tree (from a previous post). The first one is without decorations. The second one is just a picture of the pinecones that came on the tree, and the bottom one is with all the decorations. It is 7 1/2 feet tall. With star, probably 8 1/2 feet tall.


Robin Hayes said...

And you even have presents wrapped and under the tree already! I'm impressed. And we bought a tree topper tonight - it's a star!

Heidi said...

THere were a lot more, but we opened several of them when my parents were here last week.
I love wrapping presents, so for me that is fun and I do it as soon and as often as possible. Since we don't do the Santa thing, I figure why not put them all out as they get wrapped.

grace said...

It looks like a great tree! Thanks for the pics.

Heidi said...

no problem. Worth the 1.00 I spent for it.