Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter pictures

Here are the pictures I promised in the previous post. On Saturday we painted eggs. The kit came with faces that you could stick to the eggs to make silly eggs. I remember having a great time doing this as a kid.
Here is the finished project.

Here are my three girls all dressed up in their Easter dresses (the pink ones were used once before in a wedding last August) and ready to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Robin Hayes said...

Your girls look like they had a great time with the eggs - I love the faces! And they are all three very pretty in their Easter dresses!

Ann-Marie said...

Your youngest looks SO serious. "Easter's serious business, Mom!"

I just can't believe how fast they are growing up. you had just had them when Brett and I joined the church. Unbelievable!

Heidi said...

It is amazing how kids grow. It is so fast.

Jennittia said...

The eggs are so fun looking!! And the girls are just beautiful.