Thursday, November 1, 2007

Way too much fun to pass up

Well, as I believe I said in one of the previous posts, my husband called me from work and said that Uncle J. invited my kids to trick or treat as his house, which of course means please bring them over as I would like to see them all cute and dressed up.
Well, that presented a minor (ok major) problem. We had no costume. It is the day of halloween and we had no $$ to buy one at such a late date. I said "no problem, I will com eup with something". I thought " I have a sewing machine, is there something I can sew together with no material?"
I went up to their room and lo and behold found their Christmas dresses. Hmmm, princesses!!
I added some costume jewelry and their dress up shoes and these reversible vests that have a cheetah print on them to be their "fur" coats. I found a costume tiara and made the other child a tiara out of paper, beeds, and glitter. She didn't seem to mind.
From not going trick or treating at all, we went to about 6 houses in the neighborhood and Uncle J.'s. They got just enough candy to last a few days and not enough to rot their teeth.
Everyone, including my husband, had a great time. I think we have found our tradition. Now if I could only find a couple of costumes on a very cheap sale.


Ann-Marie said...

Heidi - You are such a creative mom! What a great idea. I think I would have been like, "Hmmm. Hmmm. Umm. Well, we're just going as ourselves." Or have one twin goes as the other. Ha. Ha. I'm glad your kids got the TOT experience.

Heidi said...

There were a couple of trick or treaters who did come as themselves. You almost want to tell them to go home and be creative, but I didn't want to be rude.