Monday, November 5, 2007

Cool Runnings

No I am not referring to a really funny Disney movie with the same title about the Jamaican bobsled team. I am referring to my walk/run that I did yesterday. Basically it is a running method that incorporates walking times and running times within the same exercise period. I don't necesarily have a desire to run a marathon, but I would love to get myself back into shape.
I started yesterday afternoon, but picked a bad day to do it. I am in my church choir that practices on Sunday evenings, so I ran my first time about an hour before I had to be at practice. I was so out of breath and my mouth was so dry that I could barely sing a note without coughing.
I will say that it felt good to get out there and walk/run for a few minutes. Once the weather gets too cold, I don't know how it will work as I am "allergic" to cold weather, but we will have to see about the better days.
It felt good yesterday and though the muscles hurt today, it feels good today to know that I did that, so it makes whatever pain I experience now worth it.


Robin Hayes said...

Exercise pain is the "good" kind of pain. As long as it's not too excruciating, you know you did a good thing! :) Good job, Heidi!

Jennittia said...

Nice to find out I have a fitness buddy! I LOVE to run- most people think I am crazy. It is a great stress release as well! I must say though, I have a treadmill. I like your saying of being "allergic" to the cold!

Ann-Marie said...

Good for you! I didn't even exercise when I was in choir, and I was always out of breath! Ha! Ha! Anyway, I'm glad you are feeling better and having a good time!

Heidi said...

I wish you could come and run with me. It would be much more fun with a friend. I get bored easily

I am not really having fun doing it. I hate running.

It does feel good to be in a little muscle pain from exercise that you don't get enough of.

Ann-Marie said...

I remember a friend of mine who took up running. She was out jogging one morning by the side of the road. This man pulled up in his car and asked if she was okay. "Why?" she asked. "Oh," he said,"I just looked at you running and thought someone must be chasing you!"

She said she knew then that jogging was not for her. The poor guy thought she was being chased down when she was just trying to exercise! Too funny!